Souza Bonelli


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The great impact of the accelerated process of globalization, that abbreviated the communication channels, especially in the last decades, as well as the opening of the Brazilian market and the great majority of the foreign markets, imposed to the old concept and structures of business models and, mostly of competition, a new order.

Nowadays, in any field, it is easy to acknowledge a pressure of the external competition. However, as well as many are the global players, many are also the opportunities of the ones who decide to internationalize.

Facing crises and recessions or as an alternative to the diversification of markets, what allows the pulverization of the risks of a company, the process of internationalization is an open door to new horizons, new global markets and great chance of growth.

Aware of the new global scenario, our firm is very active in the field of internationalization, most specifically in the internationalization processes, and we are always looking for solutions for our national and international clients that wish to expand their horizons and to become global players by means of including their products and services in Brazil or other parts of the world). Our firm has made a few strategic partnerships with professionals and law firms abroad in order to provide legal support to the necessities of the most diverse clients. We also offer assistance in Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian and French.

The consulting services developed in the processes of internationalization encompass: complete legal advice, both in the aid of completion of a solid business plan and in the study of the national or foreign law according to the business model desired and its compatibilization with the market in which it will be inserted; drafting of international contracts (purchase and sales; import and export; partnership; samples etc.); assistance in the choice of the entry model (joint venture; partnership; franchise; commercial representation; exclusivity etc.), to name a few.

Become a global player, make an appointment.